First Kalima Tayyab (Shahada) and Darood Ibrahimi Hand Crafted Wooden Circular 14"
Guaranteed Safe
* First Kalima Tayyab and Darood e Ibrahimi 2-in-1
* Hand crafted circular design
* Elegant circular wall hanging Islamic item
* Attention to detail on circular wood carvings
* Superb solid wood design
* Diameter: 14"
Excellent hand crafted wooden First Kalima (Shahada) + Darood Ibrahimi (Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him) wall hanging plaque. Superb and elegant circular design. Carving on the wood is marvelous. Attention to detail is remarkable. Islamic wall hanging art.
First Kalima - Shahada "LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR-RASUL ALLAH" Translation: There is no God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. FIRST PART: Allah declared: Translation: So know Muhammad "There is no god but Allah." (Al-Quran, 47:19) The prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever says LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH." sincerely, will enter Paradise". (Sahi-al-Jami) "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the foundation of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the best rememberance. "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the key to Paradise. "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the highway to Paradise. "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the best cleaner of heart and soul. SECOND PART: MUHAMMAD IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH; AND THOSE WHO ARE WITH HIM ARE STRONG AGAINST UNBELIEVERS, (BUT COMPASSIONATE AMONGST EACH OTHER. ...... ( 48; 29) AL FATH.
Darood-e-Ibrahimi carved on the outside circlular pattern. "ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN KAMAA SALLAITA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALI IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMIDUM MAJID. ALLAHUMMA BAARIK ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN KAMAA BAARAKTA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALI IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMIDUM MAJID" Translation: Allahumma! Send blessings upon (Holy Prophet) Muhammad and upon the followers of (Holy Prophet) Muhammad as You sent blessings upon Ibraheem and upon the followers of Ibraheem; indeed, You are praiseworthy and glorious. Allahumma! Bless (Holy Prophet) Muhammad and the follower of (Holy Prophet) Muhammad as You blessed Ibraheem and the follower of Ibraheem; indeed, You are praise worthy and glorious.
Note 1: Wall hanging supplies such as nails, pins, or hooks not included
Note 2: Slight imperfections might occur, since it is a hand-made item
* Hand crafted circular design
* Elegant circular wall hanging Islamic item
* Attention to detail on circular wood carvings
* Superb solid wood design
* Diameter: 14"
Excellent hand crafted wooden First Kalima (Shahada) + Darood Ibrahimi (Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him) wall hanging plaque. Superb and elegant circular design. Carving on the wood is marvelous. Attention to detail is remarkable. Islamic wall hanging art.
First Kalima - Shahada "LA ILAHA ILL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR-RASUL ALLAH" Translation: There is no God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. FIRST PART: Allah declared: Translation: So know Muhammad "There is no god but Allah." (Al-Quran, 47:19) The prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever says LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH." sincerely, will enter Paradise". (Sahi-al-Jami) "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the foundation of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the best rememberance. "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the key to Paradise. "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the highway to Paradise. "LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH" is the best cleaner of heart and soul. SECOND PART: MUHAMMAD IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH; AND THOSE WHO ARE WITH HIM ARE STRONG AGAINST UNBELIEVERS, (BUT COMPASSIONATE AMONGST EACH OTHER. ...... ( 48; 29) AL FATH.
Darood-e-Ibrahimi carved on the outside circlular pattern. "ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN KAMAA SALLAITA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALI IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMIDUM MAJID. ALLAHUMMA BAARIK ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN KAMAA BAARAKTA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALI IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMIDUM MAJID" Translation: Allahumma! Send blessings upon (Holy Prophet) Muhammad and upon the followers of (Holy Prophet) Muhammad as You sent blessings upon Ibraheem and upon the followers of Ibraheem; indeed, You are praiseworthy and glorious. Allahumma! Bless (Holy Prophet) Muhammad and the follower of (Holy Prophet) Muhammad as You blessed Ibraheem and the follower of Ibraheem; indeed, You are praise worthy and glorious.
Note 1: Wall hanging supplies such as nails, pins, or hooks not included
Note 2: Slight imperfections might occur, since it is a hand-made item

First Kalima Tayyab (Shahada) and Darood Ibrahimi Hand Crafted Wooden Circular 14"
$28.25 USD