Acrylic Frame Ayat ul Kursi, Turkish Wall Art, Wall Hanging Ayat ul Kursi, Muslim Home Decoration, Ayatul Kursi Wall Decor, Wall Art Decor Allah and Muhammad, Excellent Gift for Muslim Households (Size 9" x 7")
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Ayatulkursi/ Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW written beautifully and preserved in a frame for a wall hanging/. is unique yet a popular item in Muslim Households. You may place it on your main wall right after the entrance section of your house or in the doorways of your corridors. This will look great and will fit in almost all wall sizes. It will be a useful gift to pass on to your friends and family at all occasions. Available in wide variety you may choose the one which would look the best in the current theme of your home.
Additional Information
Style |
A+M Gold Black 9"x7", AUK Gold 9"x 7", AUK Gold White 9"x7", AUK Silver 9"x7" |

Acrylic Frame Ayat ul Kursi, Turkish Wall Art, Wall Hanging Ayat ul Kursi, Muslim Home Decoration, Ayatul Kursi Wall Decor, Wall Art Decor Allah and Muhammad, Excellent Gift for Muslim Households (Size 9" x 7")